Sunday 24 April 2016

Quick guide to choose its coffee

Well-seasoned, long black, latte ... Coffee is in different forms and for all tastes. When the time comes to choose, the list may seem tedious, so we opted for a safe bet. Here is a quick guide to see more clearly and perhaps dare to a new caffeinated pleasure.

Filter coffee: the most popular cafes, filter coffee is prepared by slowly pouring hot water into a filter containing ground coffee. Originally, a sock was used as a filter!

Expresso: this is a brewed coffee with a small amount of hot water quickly passing through finely ground coffee beans. Espresso was invented in order to get a fresh and tasty coffee in seconds.

Macchiato: macchiato coffee (or Noisette in French) is an espresso lengthened with a little hot water or not, to which is added to the milk foam. Just as strong as espresso, but more creamy in mouth.

American coffee: the American coffee consists simply of an espresso to which is added some hot water. Its origin dates back to World War II. Americans, accustomed to filter coffee, found the European espresso too strong. Their solution diluted with hot water.

Latte: espresso-based (usually elongate), to which is added the same amount of hot milk and a little moss. It is possible to replace the cow's milk with soy or almond milk. (But it's better the classic milk ah ah)

Cappuccino: From Italian origin, cappuccino contains espresso, hot milk and many milk foam. Its taste is generally well-seasoned than the latte because espresso is less diluted. When properly performed, it is for me one of the best type of coffee you can find! (It’s my favourite!)

Mokaccino: perfect for sweet lovers: it simply adds liquid or powdered chocolate into a cappuccino! We generally drink it to replace a dessert or simply to break the morning routine.

This are the main types of coffee you can find in almost all cafes in the world. There are also many other types and variety by country in Europe and in the rest of the world but they are to be discovered locally!

In extra this is an easy cappuccino recipe to make at home:

Preparation time: 5 min
  •       Milk
  •       1 strong coffee
  •       Chocolate powered
  •       Small mixer for foam milk

Recipe preparation:
  • Prepare a strong coffee or according to your taste
  • When the coffee is almost ready, pour in the mug some milk at ambient temperature (very important, because it is too cold the foam doesn’t rise, same if it’s too hot!)
  • Do foam the milk with the mixer but be careful, the volume must at least double!
  • Pour on it the coffee very carefully. Normally it must remain some foam on the surface.
  • Beat again milk in a separate bowl and rectify the foam. Put on the foam some powered chocolate.

And now your cappuccino is ready!

Tip: Add some cinnamon on the foam, it’s delicious!


  1. Hey, just a macchiato please, what else ? Édith
